Monday, November 19, 2012

New Life

"You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb.  Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!  Your workmanship is marvellous - how well I know it.  You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.  You saw me before I was born.  Every day of my life was recorded in your book.  Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed"
The author?  God
The book?  Psalm 139: 13-16

God made every human being.  God had His hand in all aspects of creation, including creation of humans.  There was a plan, there was deliberation.  No accident - God doesn't do accidents!

Isaac was born on November 18, a small bundle of joy.  Looking at him yesterday, I thought to myself that no one, gazing upon new life such as this, could ever begin to doubt God.  Oh, people do - don't get me wrong - but seriously, how might this little person have been 'put together' unless there was someone doing it, and unless there was something deliberate in mind!  Many think that the universe was created when all of nothing suddenly made a big bang and - amazingly - Earth was created, along with all the people and things in it.  Just like that.  Just appeared out of nowhere, all by itself - something out of nothing created by no one.  Hmm...

The account of creation in Genesis, in the Bible, says that 'in the beginning, God created...'; in other words, something out of nothing created by... ah, God!  Created by someone.  Not a person, but by God.  And God also created all the things of the earth, and He also created humans.  Thinking of how intricate the human body is - doesn't that just have to mean NO accident! 

Isaac - and all other babies - are created by God. 

So the next time you wonder what's the point of life, or if you are really accomplishing anything, or that you are not-so-goodlooking, remember this:

"The God who created the universie also intricately wove you together.  You're no accident"

Funny how it sometimes takes new life to happen, in order to fully 'get' that God doesn't do accidents!
Thank God for new life; thank God for being God.

Welcome to this world, all new lives.  Welcome to this world created by God.  Welcome to those who were created by the God who created all there is.  Always know you are not accidents, but that God created you, and loves you, and will always be there for you.  That's right - just look areound and you will see God in everything and in everyone - new life all over the place!

Thank you, God, for all new life; thank you God, for creating all life anew.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Plan or planner?  Which is where you have placed your focus?  What is this man talking about, you say?  Glad you asked...

READ:  2 Timothy 1:9

Plan - God's.
Planner - God.

Where in there does it mention us?  It says GOD saved us, that GOD called us; it says HE did it, not because we deserved it; it says HIS (i.e. God's) plan.  GOD in big letters (figuratively, of course), 'us' in little letters.  So the focus is on... yes, you guessed it... God!

God had a plan from before the beginning of time - to show Himself to us through His Son Jesus.  GOD sent Jesus to earth, to live among us, to teach us about God.  God wanted to show His character - His grace - to us, and what better way to do this than to show us through Jesus.  Oh, we (people on this earth) balked at the idea of who Jesus is (Saviour), and we tried to do things our own way and - all too often - still do try to do things our way (yea, how's that working?!?).  But there's always THE PLAN lurking in the background, so to speak.  God's plan.  His way, not ours.  "It's all about you, Jesus... it's not about me", as we sing in the chorus. 

'Cause in the end, what we wanted or want, if not aligned with God's plan, won't matter.  Didn't matter.  Doesn't matter.  Won't matter.  We will try... and we will perhaps succeed - for awhile - but if it isn't what God wants to happen, it won't work.  Been there, done that, bought a couple of t-shirts, all to no avail.  You see, it's God's plan to show who He is to us, and God chose to do that by giving us Jesus as the example of who God is - and so God pretty much expects us to be that way too. 

Are you?
Are we?

Better question:

Will you?
Will we?

'Cause ultimately, GOD saved us and GOD called us to live a holy life - Paul wrote this to Timothy, and to us.  So the question hangs there, waiting for us to answer it, to understand it, to recognize it, to live it. 

Plan - God's.
Planner - God.

If you've been too focused on the plan (us) and not on the planner (God), then perhaps it's time to change that focus... okay, not 'perhaps it's time', but "hey you, it's time, dontcha think!  Hello!"  You see, it's that important.  God and God alone - not just lyrics of a song, but a mantra for us all.  It's all about Him, so that ought to be our focus - HIM.  GOD.  The PLANNER.

Where's your focus?

God, help me to keep my focus on you, the planner. 

Saturday, November 10, 2012

We Remember...

Sunday November 11, 2012
Remembrance Day

Let me quote from an article in the Toronto Sun:

Since the end of World War I in 1918, Canadians, and millions of others around the world have paused at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month to honour the sacrifices our soldiers made fighting for the freedoms that we all enjoy today.  The Great War was a dark period for our young country, claiming the lives of over 60,000 military personnel and civilians, with over 16 million dead worldwide...  As there are no more surviving veterans of WW I, today we rely on the wisdom and words of those veterans who fought in the wars that followed.  They tell us to always remember what those brave souls fought for, and all they ask in return is that we never forget.  That’s why we wear the red poppy, that’s why when we see a soldier in uniform we should stop him or her and say, “thank you”, that’s why we take a pause from our busy lives for two short minutes today to honour that request.
It's a time to remember the sacrifice made by so many, to remember those who died serving their country, and to remember those who have survived, who have served, and may still be serving.  The sacrifice they willingly made, so that we might live, so that we might enjoy the freedom we have, so that we might have life.

READ:  1 Corinthians 11: 23-25

This is a passage we use each week in our church, during Communion (Lord's Supper).  This is a time that Jesus told us we are to gather together to remember Him.  The juice and the wafer are symbols of the body of Jesus that was broken and the blood of Jesus that was spilled out - for us.  We are to remember that Jesus gave up His life, so that if we believe in Him as our Saviour and Lord, we will live forever with Him.  We have that eternal life the moment we become a believer, but we also know we get to spend forever with Him in heaven.  We are to remember that Jesus sacrificed His life, so that we might have freedom from doing wrong, and so that we might have life.  He willingly gave up His life, in order to give us life. 

Today, we remember sacrifice - the soldiers gave so much so we might enjoy so much - some gave their lives so we might have life.  Today we remember sacrifice - Jesus gave so much (His life) so we might enjoy so much - He gave His life so we might have life. 

John 15:13
There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends.

Today, we remember the soldiers... today, we remember Jesus.  Today, we remember sacrifices - and give thanks for those who gave up much so we might have much.

We remember....

Saturday, November 3, 2012


Once upon a time, there was a group of people, a family really, who came home.  They had been away a long time, and hadn't been able to return home, but now they managed to do just that.  They came back to a house that had, in their absence, been destroyed.  Distraught, they started talking about rebuilding it, but then, mostly because of opposition, never got around to it.  In fact, they even started saying that they really didn't think it was time to build the house - why, who knows!  Anyhow, I digress... After a while, one of the group decided that enough was enough, that it was time to do something about the house.  He talked to his boss, and his boss had a message for the rest of the family - do it!  Yup, pretty simple, really - get to work and do it!  And because they respected this man's boss, they did get to work, and they did build it.  The boss was so pleased that he helped them out by making things good for them again.  The people were happy, the boss was happy, and they all lived happily ever after...

Okay, maybe that last line is going a bit far, but certainly they lived better than they had.  You see, it was important that they realize what was important, as well as what was important to do.  Sitting around, knowing something needs to be done but doing nothing but talking about it and then trying to justify it by saying perhaps it didn't really need to be done in the first place - well, not a boss-pleasing thing, is it!

The people?  The Jews who had just returned from exile in Babylon. 
The house?  The temple in Jerusalem, destroyed years earlier.
The boss?  God!
The messenger?  Haggai, the prophet.

READ:  Haggai 1-2

Two short chapters, one huge task, one messenger, and one divine message - GET TO WORK!  God spoke to the Jews then, and He still speaks to us today.  Lethargy, apathy, and any other word ending in 'y' that is the opposite of doing something just doesn't cut it with God - His will is for us to do His work in His world, not doing whatever we wish to do or even doing nothing.  DO IT!  This is God speaking... are you listening?  If so, what will you do now?  Because, don't you know, it's time to GET TO WORK!  Don't sit back and ask 'why?' - get off your... well, you know... and move from 'why?' to WHY NOT!  Amen!


Thursday, November 1, 2012


I am not having a good day.

I know, we all have them, those days when no matter what we do, nothing seems to happen as it should, or we wish it would.  Days when we can't get out of our own way.  Days when we are ill, or unmotivated, or just plain at odds with the world. 

It's not any of those kind of days.

Today, I am sad.  Today, 5 years ago, on her birthday, my mother passed away.  I miss her.  No, she wasn't the perfect mother, but she was always there - no matter what.  She loved me.  She loved me when others didn't.  She loved us all.  I know she did, and I really miss her.

I am sad, yes, but somehow I need to 'get past that', but only in the sense that I also know something that makes me joyous.  My mother, in the last month of her life, came to understand and know Jesus as her Saviour and Lord.  As a child, my mother attended Sunday School and church - not so much as an adult though.  But we went from time to time, and I know she had a faith of some sort.  We never really discussed this, even when I became a pastor... until the first week she was in the hospital, the last month of her life.  We talked about faith, and heaven, and how she was just so tired of being sick and really wanted to rest.  We talked about God and what He meant to each of us.  She was ready - to know Jesus as Saviour, and to go home to be with Him in heaven.  She seemed... well, so ready, and in that time, I learned so much about what it means to long for home, for heaven. 

For that, I am joyous.  Still sad, but also joyous!

Someday, we will all die - that's the physical death we will all experience as humans.  But there is life after death, and not in some 'reincarnation' sort of way.  If we come to know Jesus as the Saviour of our lives, and accept Him as that, He has promised we will be with Him forever.  In other words, we will die on earth, but we will live forever in heaven with Him. 

Romans 6:23
The wages of sin is death but the free gift of God is eternal life through Jesus.

You see, the eternal life God gives us is free - we don't deserve it, we can't earn it, and we can't do it ourselves.  God is gracious to give us that gift of life, now and forever with Him - we just have to believe and accept Him as Saviour.  You might say it's not rocket science, so to speak - it's that easy.  God wants us all to live with Him forever - you, me, everyone - but it's up to each of us to make that personal decision for ourselves. 

My mother made that decision - almost 72 years after her birth, but in time to be able to 'go home' to heaven, to spend forever with the Saviour she came to know and love on her deathbed.  I am so grateful that God gave her and I the opportunity to share and for her to be able to accept the gift of life eternal.  After she became unconscious, it would have been too late.  After she died, it would have been too late.

If you are reading this now, it's not too late, because you are alive and able to understand about this amazing gift God is... well, just dying to give you!  If you don't know Jesus as your Saviour, know that He wants to have that relationship with you.  Know that He wants to spend forever with you.  Please know that.  And not only know that, but do something about that.  Talk to God about it, email me (, or speak with someone you know to be a Christian.  But please do it know, before it might be too late.  God so wants you to know Him, love Him, and spend forever with Him - my mother knew that, even though it took her almost 72 years to "get it", and now she is with Him in heaven.  For that, I am truly joyous!

I am not having a good day because I miss my mom.  But I wouldn't want her to be here, in physical pain, and not being in God's presence, just because I want her here.  She is with God today.  I know that. 

I guess I'm not having such a bad day after all...

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


I saw this picture on Facebook today, and I was struck by both the simplicity and the profundity of the message.  I mean, if we take just a minute and think about the implications of it all, it's huge - and scary, and daunting, and oh so many other huge things!

Read:  Ezekiel 33: 1-9

A watchman... someone looking out for people so they won't be destroyed.  A watchman (or watchperson, if you wish)... someone who wants others to have what they have and so is ever mindful of the urgency to tell them about what they have!  A watchman... you and me... yes, that's what I said - you and me!  We are watchmen, people who have something to share, something huge that others need to know about, and others need to have, and so we share it, right?  All the time, right?  After all, we are responsible to do this, right?  Right?

There's a great passage in the Bible (New Testament) that also addresses this:

Romans 10: 14-15
How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in?  And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?  And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?  And how can anyone preach unless they are sent?  As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”

How indeed!  You see, it's like you know someone is in danger, and so you tell them about it, you warn them.  Why?  Because you don't want them to be in danger, you don't want them hurt.  So if we know that living life as a believer in Jesus, accepting Him as our Saviour and Lord, means spending forever with Him, and we don't bother telling anyone else about it - ever! - then what?  Well, those we don't tell may never hear what they need to hear in order to be in a relationship with Jesus and to spend forever with Him in heaven.  Can we say ouch!  We are watchmen, watchpeople, and as such, we indeed have a responsibility to share what we know and live, with... well, basically everyone who breathes!  It's that simple!  And if we don't... well, Ezekiel makes it pretty clear the result. 

This is not meant to frighten anyone, but to encourage everyone.  This is not meant to make us feel obligated, but to allow us to exercise our basic privileges as believers.  Do we always do it?  No.  Should we always do it?  Yes. 

Now the biggie:  Will we always do it? 

Yes, we are responsible for the things we say, but it just doesn't end there - we are perhaps even more responsible for what we do not say, because the consequences are eternal.  So I ask you:

  • Who are you going to share Jesus with this week? 
  • Who are you going to say something to this week? 
  • Who?


God, thank you for speaking to us through the Bible - your Word.  Even if/when we don't want to hear what you have to say to us, because it might convict us or whatever, help us to listen, and then do something about what we hear and read. 

Thursday, October 25, 2012


I recently read a book called "UnLearning Church" - quite the read!  I was struck by one comment made in the book, where it referred to what I think all churches should be:
Communities of grace-space.
In John 15:7 (The Message), we see where Jesus said:
Make yourselves at home in my love.
I read these two short comments and thought to myself: "Self, isn't this what church is supposed to be anyhow?"  Seriously, isn't it?  If we make ourselves at home in the love that Jesus has for everyone, then we are at home in the very best environment we can be in, don'tcha think! 

Church is a safe place, or at least ought to be - a place where we can work on the stuff we need to work on, in order to be the people that Jesus wants us to be.  Sounds like a lot, but really it's just stuff - working on our stuff.  And isn't that what grace is all about?  What's grace, you say?  Well, it's God's unmerited favour - it's what God gives to us, even though we may not (read: don't!) deserve  it.  Even though we have done, and maybe even do, things wrong.  Even though we may still do things wrong.  It's a learning process, this journey we call the Christian life - living life with Jesus as our guide.  And in this process, there's God, giving us something that allows us to keep on keeping on despite how we might feel about how we are, or what we've done, or... well, anything!  And churches... well, they ought to be filled with people who have been given grace by God, and so they just can't wait to give it to others!  Hence the name 'grace-space'.  I love it - a place, a space, where we know grace.  Church.  Grace-space.  Oh yea, I'm seeing the same place, aren't you!

Now I'm not naive enough to think all churches have "perfected" being grace-spaces, but I am also not naive enough to think that all churches cannot be grace-spaces.  They can.  They should.  And, God willing, they will.  Because there's a whole world full of hurting people "out there" who need to know God, and to experience His grace - and they need to see it in us and through us.  Right?  Right! 
  • Have you experienced your church being a grace-space?
  • How have you been able to contribute to your church being a grace-space?
I love the church - the people, the experience, everything.  And I love the fact that church is, or can be, a community of grace-space.  I love that people can come in and make themselves at home in God's love - I mean, how great is that! 


Thank you, God, for giving us the gift of your grace.  Thank you for giving us places where we are able to go to experience your grace - those "grace-spaces" full of people who know you as Lord and Saviour.  Help us to always be vessels of grace for you.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Don't be discouraged!

How many of you out there get discouraged?  Are discouraged?  C'mon, put up your hands... higher, so I can see them...  Seriously, discouragement is... well, discouraging, and it often means we don't get things accomplished that we want to get accomplished.  We just don't do well... no matter what...  And it's not a new thing, a 'today' thing, by any means - the Jews back in the Old Testament times experienced it.

READ:  Nehemiah 4

The WHOLE chapter?  Yes... 'cause it's a wonderful example of people getting excited, then getting discouraged, then getting energized, then getting things accomplished.  So NOW go ahead and read the WHOLE chapter, k...

I was reading an article the other day, and it was talking about discouragement - the article stated that discouragement is 3 things: universal, recurring, and contagious.  Universal because we all can become discouraged; recurring because it often doesn't take much to get discouraged again and again; and contagious because if you're discouraged, then others around you might also be discouraged - it just kinda flows out of us and into others!  And then I thought of Nehemiah.  He was a leader of the Jewish people.  They had just returned from being in exile in Babylon, and discovered that the walls around Jerusalem had been destroyed.  They wanted to rebuild so they would be safe from their enemies.  They started out, full of vim and vigour, spit and vinegar if you will, but soon became discouraged.  If we look at Nehemiah 4:6 and then 4:12, we see a world of difference:
Nehemiah 4:6
So we rebuilt the wall until all of it reached half its height, for the people worked with all their heart...
Nehemiah 4:12
Then the Jews who lived near them came and told us 10 times over, "Wherever you turn, they will attack you".

Hmm... what was once excitement now became discouragement.  Why?  They worked long hours, worked very hard, didn't even change their clothes.  They were drained, emotionally and physically, and they were only halfway done!  And isn't that when we, too, often become discouraged - we get halfway to our goal, and cannot for the life of us seem to get motivated to continue.  This leads to... well, you know!  It's like wanting to lose 50 lbs - you lose the first 25 lbs fairly easily, but then... I mean, how difficult is it to lose the rest, or anymore for that matter!  Yup, it's real - discouragement sets in, and it's never a good thing.

Nehemiah 4:14
Nehemiah said, “After I looked things over, I stood up and said to the nobles, the officials, and the rest of the people, `Don’t be afraid of them.  Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome".

You know, it CAN be done - discouragement CAN be defeated and we CAN re-energized once again.  How, you might ask?  Glad you did...  GOD.  Yup, GOD.  There's this neat book in the Bible, one the apostle Paul wrote to the Philippians, and in it, there's this verse that maybe should become the life-verse of each of us who believe in Jesus:

Philippians 4:13
I can do ALL things through CHRIST [Jesus] who gives me strength.

There you go - it's there, in black and white - words to live by. 


It's not at all about us, 'cause we don't have the oomph to do what we can do if we just let God do it, if we just do it in His strength.  The post-exile Jews realized this, after being reminded by Nehemiah (!), and so they moved forward, building their little hearts out until they had completely rebuilt the wall.  "Not because of who I am, but because of what You've done" - it's not what we can do, but rather what we can do because of what Jesus has done for us!  Yuppers... and that can, and will, drive any discouragement away that we might have!

Ever watch the show "Friendly Giant"?  (I'm dating myself, I know!)  He would instruct viewers to see him by saying to them, "Look up... waaaaaay up".  Well, the Jews, under Nehemiah, accomplished great things because they did His work in His strength!  And that means that, next time you feel discouraged - feel down - look up... waaaaay up... it's there that we find our strength.

God, help us to realize it's not about us, but about you.  Help us to always be seeking you and your strength, in order to accomplish the great things you want us to accomplish.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Turn! Turn! Turn!

READ:  2 Chronicles 7:14

Max Lucado is perhaps the most widely-read Christian author today; in his book "Turn", he writes:
God simply asks us to turn.  He asks us... to turn from self-promotion to God-promotion ('called by my name'); to turn from self-reliance to God-dependence ('humble themselves and pray'); to turn from self-direction to God-direction ('seek my face'); to turn from self-service to repentance ('turn from their wicked ways').  When will God heal the land?  When people turn back to Him!
Turn.  In other words, change direction.  Turn from self to God.  Turn from "it's all about me" to "it's all about you, Jesus".  Turn. 

In 1959, Pete Seeger wrote a song called "Turn!  Turn!  Turn!", which was covered by a group called The Byrds in 1965.  The words come from the Bible, from the book of Ecclesiastes.  The song reached #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, an amazing feat for a song that, as Wikepedia claims, "easily holds the record for the number 1 hit with the oldest lyrics".  But I digress... the lyrics include words such as:
"To everything, turn, turn turn, there is a season, turn, turn, turn, and a time for every purpose under heaven"
Turn.  Turn.  Turn.  God's very purpose for us under heaven is to turn to Him, to know Him, to love Him, to do His work, His will.  Turn. 

The writer of 2 Chronicles reminds us that we need to turn.  His words - God's words to the people of his day, and to us today - speak of turning back to Him... but there's an IF...  aarrgghh!  Those IF's...  Listen again to what God says:
IF my people, who are called by my name, will HUMBLE THEMSELVES, and PRAY, and SEEK MY FACE, and TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
IF we recognize God as being supreme and act like we know it - IF we talk to God - IF we look for Him - and IF we stop doing what we shouldn't be doing - then God will forgive us and heal us.  And the "IF's"?  Those are the places where we TURN... TURN from being us-centred, TURN towards God through speaking to Him and looking for Him, and TURN away from doing wrong.  In other words, a U-TURN.  Not a GOD-TURN, but a YOU-TURN!  God says IF His people do this, He will honour that.  God will heal us, God will forgive, us, God will work in us and through us... IF we TURN.
  • Which direction are YOU going?
  • How are you doing with that direction decision?
  • Are you willing to TURN, to give God a chance?
If we do what we are supposed to do, God will do what He has promised He will do - oh, how can we not want to live in that experience?  Turn, Turn, Turn... you'll be forever glad you did!

God, I need your help - I know I need to TURN my life around, and I can't do it myself.  Help me, Lord, please help me.  I want to be the person you want me to be, and do the things you want me to do.  

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Come as you are...

I remember an old A&W jingle, that used to play all the time on radio and TV: "Hop in the car, come as you are, to A&W".  I always used to envision our entire family getting into the car, all of us dressed in our pyjamas, going to A&W - after all, they did say come as you are...

READ:  Mark 10:14

Jesus was telling His disciples that they needed to let the children come to Him, that people needed to be like children in order to come to Him.  What Jesus meant was that people needed to just be themselves - no pretenses, no masks - so that when they came to Him, they would be real.  Come as you are...

Churches are those places, or at least they ought to be!  People ought to be able to come as they are, not worry about being judged or ridiculed or condemned or... well, anything negative.  People ought to be able to feel comfortable attending church, to come as they are, knowing they will be accepted and loved.  If a church isn't able to be that place, then where will they be able to go!

"Come as you are.  You will be loved."  This is our slogan at McKernan Christian Church, but that's not all it is.  It is our way of doing things, or at least it ought to be!  As a pastor, I don't want to see people come to church, only to be turned off by a offhand comment, or a rude gesture, or a unloving attitude.  I want people to see Jesus in me, in us, in the Church, don't you?  Of course you do!  So at MCC, we strive to be what we feel Jesus wants us to be - loving, welcoming people.  Come as you are...

So if someone sees this slogan on our Facebook page, or on our website, or in our bulletin, I hope they know we mean it.  I hope they know we accept and love whoever walks through our doors.  I hope they feel they can come as they are, that they will be loved.  I hope they hear the old A&W jingle as they experience our church, our people - the words 'hop in the car, come as you are' that means they are welcome - and yes, even if they show up in their pyjamas!

God, thank you for loving us.  Thank you for giving us such a love that we can give to others.  Help us to accept anyone, to love anyone, to be your hands and feet and presence in this world.  Help us to be the type of people who will show others that they can 'come as they are', that they 'will be loved'.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

All About Him

"When the music fades, all is stripped away, and I simply come..."

When we come to worship God - in our private place, in church, anywhere - it's all about what we can get from it, or how those leading worship can please us.  Um, NO!!!  Something's wrong with that picture.  Something's missing from that picture... or more precisely, someONE is missing!  GOD.  Yes, GOD. 

READ:  Psalm 29

See verse 2?  "Worship the Lord in the splendour of His holiness".  That's what it says, and that's what it means - worship GOD.  Don't worship the worship leader, or the musician(s), or the building in which we worship, or the music, or... well, anything or anyone other than GOD.

"It's all about you, Jesus, and all this is for you, for the glory of your name, it's not about me, as if you should do things my way, you alone are God and I surrender, to your name"

The words of this chorus say it all, don't you think.  It's all about GOD - it's not all about you, nor me, nor anyone nor anything else.  It's all about GOD.  He alone is worthy of our praise; He alone is the one to whom we direct our worship.  The Bible doesn't say worship stuff, but it does say worship GOD. 

  • Where is your focus today - on you or stuff in your life, or on God?
  • What are you doing to keep your focus on God, where it should be?
  • What do you do to help keep your focus on God?

Someone who used to attend our church used to make this remark:  'Focus, people, focus'.  A very... well, focused remark, to say the least.  If you come to church to see what they can offer you, or to see what you can 'get out of it', then you need a focus-shift.  You see, it really isn't all about you, no matter what you might think - it is indeed all about God.  When we have nothing else - when everything else is stripped away - we simply come to God, and worship Him in the splendour of His holiness.

I mean, really, is there any better way!?!?


God, sometimes it's not easy to keep our focus where it ought to be, so we need help.  God, please help us to bask in your presence, to keep focused on you... always!

Monday, October 8, 2012


Photo: LIKE & SHARE that your Bible looks better than this!

If your Bible still isn't getting quite the attention you know it deserves, try out the Daily Bible Guide. You'll get FREE daily verses and Bible study resources right in your browser!


Strengthen your spirituality each day with wisdom from The Good Book.

Yahweh (God)?

Don't let the book get dusty, but better still, get D.U.S.T.Y. yourself...

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Imagine indeed!  Do YOU know you are loved?  Who loves you?  Family?  Friends?  Perfect strangers?  We all have someone who loves us, even if we don't really know this in our hearts.  Sometimes we have been 'burned' by people in life, and we tend not to trust, not to believe anyone can really love us.  Perhaps we've been so 'bad' in our lives - in our opinion, at least - that we don't think anyone can really love us.  And so we live out our lives feeling unloved and incapable of giving love.  And that sucks...

READ:  Romans 8:39

"Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord"

Not feeling loved or capable of giving love sucks because the Bible tellls us about Someone who SO loves everyone.  That's right - EVERYONE!  That means He loves you in spite of what you've done, in spite of who you are, in spite of where you've been, and most especially just because He is God and He is love! 

Do you still feel unloved?  Do you still feel you cannot love others?  C'mon, how are you able to feel this way after reading Romans 8:39?  I mean, seriously, NOTHING, but NOTHING, but NOTHING is able to EVER, EVER, EVER separate us - you, me, everyone - from the love of God.  You might run, you might hide (or try to, at least!), you might tell God to take a short walk off a long wharf, but in the end, GOD STILL LOVES YOU AND HE ALWAYS WILL.  Yup, and guess what?  YOU are never able to escape that fact.  You might have done really bad things, and you might have been known as a really bad person, and you might have said some really bad things, and... well, you get the drift!  But GOD LOVES YOU!  Oh, that everyone who breathes would know that - REALLY know that. 

Did  you hear that?
Let me repeat that, in case you went temporarily deaf...

  • Do you know that God loves you?
  • Have you felt God's love for you today?
  • Are you loving others today, like God loves you?

My hope is that, as you read this, you will know that GOD LOVES YOU!  (Oh, those caps just come on everytime I write that - weird, huh!).  My hope is that you will feel, from the tips of your toes to the top of your head, the LOVE OF GOD.  Personally, I want to know God's love for me so much, that it just spills out of me, and splashes onto everyone with whom I come in contact.  And if you know me, you know that sometimes happens, but not often enough.  God, help me to show your love to anyone, everyone...

May this be YOUR prayer, too! 
Oh, did I mention - GOD LOVES YOU!

God, thank you for loving me.  Help me to show your love to others.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Sing, sing a song...

"It is not you that sings, it is the church that is singing, and you, as a member...may share in its song.  Thus all singing [together] that is right must serve to widen our spiritual horizon, make us see our little company as a member of the great Christian Church on earth, and help us willingly and gladly to join our singing, be it feeble or good, to the song of the Church"  (Dietrich Bonhoeffer)

Don'tcha just love singing?  I mean, don'tcha just REALLY love singing?  Okay, maybe or maybe not, but let me say - I do!  Singing is so... I don't know, healing... calming... inspiring... and oh so much more!

But this quote really isn't talking about singing, in the sense of bursting into glorious song.  It is talking about the Church being the Church, and people being a part of the Church.  By being a part - by sharing, caring, loving, etc. - we join the song already being sung by the general Church, and we become a part of the song, a  part of the fabric if you will, of the Church - the Church being believers on Earth.

READ:  Psalm 150

Are we praising God with all our hearts?  Are we getting to know Him in a deep and close relationship?  Are we growing in our faith?  If not, why not?  Because if what we are doing is not 'widening our spiritual horizon', then why are we doing it?  Is it something we should, or could, be doing?  If it is not helping us grow in our spiritual life, then why would we want to do it?

All questions we should ask ourselves because if we don't, then what will our song be like when we try to join it to the song of the Church?  Will we be in harmony with the ebb and flow of the Church, the music of the Church, or will we sound a bit off, be a bit off?  God wants us to be growing in the knowledge of who He is and what He is all about, and if we aren't doing that, then how might we join in the chorus, the song, of the Church?

In his book "Crazy Love", Francis Chan asks this question:
  • To just read the Bible, attend church, and avoid 'big' sins - is this passionate, wholehearted love for God?
When the music of the Church is resounding off the heavens, what does our song sound like?  Are we singing backup, or are we in the choir, our voices blending and bouncing off the walls of the universe?  Is our song a song of freedom and hope and grace and love and all the attributes of God, or is our song one that falls flat because we are singing in our own strength?  God wants 'passionate, wholehearted' people to be in His Church, to join the song of His Church and sound, well, just right!

Lift your voice to the heavens, and join the song of the Church - it's there, it's awesome, and it's just waiting for YOU to be a part.  Will you?

PRAYERGod, thank you for the Church, for the song we hear from it.  God, I want to join this song; help me to grow ever closer to you, and to join my song to your song, the song of the Church.

Friday, August 31, 2012

And so it begins...

September... school starts again, church 'starts' again after a summer of people being away a lot, etc., and life seems to be, I don't know, different!  September is always a defining moment in life, isn't it - sort of a new beginning.  It's also (usually) the start of cooler weather (fall is my favourite time of year - not too cold, not too hot, just right).  Children are excited about back-to-school and buying school supplies and clothes; parents are wheeling shopping carts through stores singing "It's the most wonderful time of the year"; and churches are gearing up for a fall-full of... well, life!  There's something about September...

So why is he talking about September when it's still August, you might wonder?  Well, 'cause tomorrow is September, and tomorrow is the start of a month full of school stuff, community stuff, church stuff - lots of stuff.  And in the midst of it all, there's this message we need to hear, and to heed, and to share:

READ:  Proverbs 3: 5-6

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and don't lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths"

One of my very favourite passages in the Bible!  God is telling us something oh so important, not only for September and the months following, but for all time:


...and so on, and so on...  The message is so clear - we cannot go through life without giving precedence to God.  Oh, I suppose we can, but we shouldn't!  Why?  Because first of all, He said so, but second of all, because He just knows more than we do!  Our finite minds cannot possibly undertand what God's infinite mind knows, and so we better make sure we're trusting HIM! 

God knows what's best for all of us, and the fact that we make way too many mistakes in life just proves we don't always know best!  So trust Him - trust God - 'cause He is always there for us, no matter what!


Thank you, God, for loving us, for caring for us, and for leading us through this life.  We cannot do it on our own, and we are so grateful that you are there, and that you know better than we do.  So help us to turn things over to you, and to trust you in all things.

Friday, August 17, 2012


God is looking for FAT people.

I read this in a book recently, and I thought, "AMEN!".  Not that I am particularly fat, but don't we all want to think that God wants us!  Seriously, God really is looking for FAT people; how do I know?  Glad you asked...

F aithful
A vailable
T eachable

Faithful - on time, meeting deadlines, giving more than expected, etc.
Available - open to new things, willing to get out of your 'comfort zone', ready to go, etc.
Teachable - willing to ask for help, being a lifelong learner, etc.

READ:  Matthew 28: 19-20

In this well-known Bible passage, Jesus is giving some last instructions to His disciples, His followers.  They are to GO and TELL - get out into the world and let everyone who breathes know about Him.  Then they are to TEACH - tell these people all they need to know about Jesus so they can go and tell others.  Jesus was telling His followers that they are to be faithful - when Jesus says go, they will go.  Jesus also wanted them to be available - talk to those you might not normally talk to, go where you might not normally go, etc.  And then Jesus said to be teachable - they had to be!  In order to be able to teach others, they needed to be taught and willing to be taught! 

  • How faithful are you?
  • How available are you?
  • How teachable are you?

You see, we don't have to do anything particularly special in order to be FAT - we just have to be willing and able. 

How are you doing with this?

God, help us to be faithful and available and teachable - to be FAT people, doing your work in this world.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

And the beat goes on...

Convention 2012 of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Canada is now a memory - hopefully those who were there will say a good one! - and the work of God in this world continues... 

A busy time, a great time - amazing music, great speakers, wonderful workshops, good food, and of course fantastic people - all together to make this convention a time of learning, growing, fellowshipping, and so much more. 

Thank you to all who helped plan - you know who you are; know you are SO appreciated! 
Thank you to all who attended - you know who you are; know that you are SO loved! 
Thank you to my family and to my congregation for allowing me the leeway to spend much time in organizing, attending meetings, coordinating, etc. - it takes a lot to make something like this work, but it is SO worth it! 

Isaiah 42:9
Behold, the former things have come to pass, and new things I now declare; before they spring forth I tell you of them.

Our theme was "New Things - Becoming All God Created Us To Be" - and I know we experienced just that this past weekend!  Now as we move forward and continue to do God's work in this country and this world, we do so refreshed, renewed in our spirits, and with a re-NEW-ed sense of purpose and vision! 

I am stoked, excited, thrilled... hope you are too! 

To God be the glory!  Amen!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Lots on my plate...

Have you ever had one of those days/weeks/months/years, perhaps, when it feels like you just have way too much on your plate?  That your plate is full and what's continuing to be piled on it just gets higher, and higher, and... well, high enough to threaten any equilibrium there may be left?  You know you have had times like this, 'cause we all have!  I have... and do... well, not a ton of stuff per se but at times, it feels like it...

READ:  1 Peter 5: 6-7
Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
Did you read what this says?  Give God all the stuff that you find is piling up around you, and burying you with its weight, because God cares for you.  GOD CARES FOR YOU!  Know it, k, 'cause it's true.  God is so big and so awesome that He can take all the stuff we can't handle on our own and He can and does handle it.  God knows we can't handle all the stuff we tend to find dragging us down; God also knows how much we are able to handle, and won't give us more than we are able to handle. 

  • What do you do when you find life pressing in on you from all sides?
  • What do you think you should do?
  • How do you think you would feel if you just gave that extra stuff to God to handle?

If we realize that we are unable to do everything on our own, and we humble ourselves before God, who IS able to handle everything, God will give us that boost we really need, so we can get out from under the burden of our life-stuff.  But God isn't going to just take the burden away - He wants us to give it to Him.  You see, He wants us to have faith that will allow us to know He is able to do what we cannot do. 

I realize I have a lot on my plate at times (like now!), but I also realize that God is SO much bigger than me and SO much bigger than my burdens.  So when I am feeling like my plate (my life) is overflowing, I also know that I can 'unload' some of this stuff on God, and He lets me do this because He loves me so much!

So, how about it?  What are YOU going to do about all that cr... er, stuff in your life that threatens to bury you under its weight? 

God, thank you for being the one who can take the load of life off my shoulders.  Thank you for loving me so much that you want to do this.  Help me to have more and more faith, so that I might trust you more and more, and be more effective in what I do for you.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Just another Starbucks Saturday...

It's Saturday - a hot, sunny day in the West - and I am sitting in Starbucks.  Now those of you who know me, know that Starbucks and I are not exactly an odd pair; however, Starbucks Saturday isn't the norm.  Sitting here waiting for my wife while she is at an appointment, I am drinking my dark roast coffee, checking email and Facebook, and writing this blog.  Doesn't sound particularly relaxing, but it is... really!  Well, mostly, seeing as my mind is racing with a quadrillion things that need to be done in the coming week or so, starting with this evening.  Fun times... and it all starts with coffee!

If you have been following this blog from the beginning, you know that I had invited you to grab a coffee and take some time to read, study, enjoy, etc.  I hope you have been as blessed by this as I have been.  God is so good, and He just keeps giving us things to say, things to read, things to do, etc., even if and when we think we don't need those things!  In the Bible, in the book of Psalms, David talked about being busy and what that brings:

READ:  Psalm 39

I love this Psalm - it reminds me that I can be running around like a chicken with its head cut off and actually be accomplishing nothing, or at least nothing of major importance. 

Psalm 39: 6-7
We are merely moving shadows, and all our busy rushing ends in nothing.  We heap up wealth, not knowing who will spend it.  And so, Lord, where do I put my hope?  My only hope is in you.

I admit, I had never quite equated being busy with where I put my hope, but the Psalmist really makes this clear.  We move and work and do stuff - being busy - and yet what do we really accomplish?  We might actually finish something, but in the end, what does it mean?  We can relax at Starbucks (or Timmies, or wherever!), do our work (whatever that is), and yet we might never really focus on WHO we should be focusing on!  Seriously, sometimes we do just need to relax, chill, do nothing... but there are also times when we really need to realize- REALLY realize - that we are here to do something, and that something is important.  We are to tell others about Jesus - those who don't know Jesus as their Saviour should be able to hear about Him from us, those who DO know Him as Saviour.  And how might we do this?  Well, tell them!  How?  Um, talk to them!  You're reading this blog right now, so you are hearing about Him, and if you don't really know who He is or anything much about Him, then let me know by emailing me @

Ultimately, I can do lots of stuff - running around, writing up a storm, etc. - and actually accomplish nothing if I am not letting people know about this great, big, wonderful, loving Jesus I know as my personal Lord and Saviour.  The One who changed me, who loves me, who works in my life and (hopefully!) makes me a bit of a better person than I used to be! 

  • Do you know who Jesus is?
  • Do you know Jesus as Saviour?
  • Do you want to know Him?

I can sit in Starbucks, I can drink my awesome coffee, I can check emails and FB, and I can write this blog - yet at the end of the day, what have I accomplished?  Today, I hope I have given you an opportunity - to ask about Jesus, to find out about Jesus, to get to know Jesus.  He is my hope, and He can be yours too!  Don't ever be so busy, too busy, to live life with Him, 'cause without Him, I have no hope, we have no hope.  It's true... if you don't believe me, ask me, I'll tell you! 

This may be Saturday, and this may be Starbucks, but it's not really just another Starbucks Saturday - because now you have heard about Jesus, and I hope you want to find out more!

God, I want to know more about Jesus.  I want to find out who He is, what He's all about.  Help me to do this, because I really don't know where to begin.  I just need hope, and in the Bible, it says you are my only hope, so... Thank you, God, for listening. 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Be the Church!

Church... how often do we only think of it as somewhere we go on Sunday... and maybe other days if we go to things like Bible Study or Prayer Meeting or whatever.  It's a Sunday thing usually...

Ecclesia (or more correctly 'ekklesia') - ever heard that word?)  You might say it's an Australian metal/hardcore band - and you'd be right!  You might even say its a British think tank examining the role of religion in public life - and you'd be right again!  (How brilliant you are!)  But... "ekklesia" is the gathering of the people of God - the church.  Yes, it is... really...  Those Latin scholars among you already knew that, but for the rest of us, it's a cool word describing a cool bunch of people.  The church... it's NOT the building we go to on Sunday; the church... it's the people who go to the church building... or not...  You see, as the picture so aptly proclaims: "God is not calling us to go to church, He is calling us to be His church".  And if we ARE the church, then we don't need to confine ourselves to the building in which we often meet, unfortunately also called the church.  Clear as mud, right!

God desires those who believe in Him to go and tell others, who don't believe in Him, about Him.  It's our job... it's our calling... it's our reason for being.  We, the Church (I'm using capital 'C' to distinguish the people of God from the church building - small 'c') have a responsibility - we are to share what we have experienced, with everyone who breathes.  It's true... not that we always (hardly ever?) do that, but it IS what God has asked us to do...

READ:  Matthew 28: 18-20

We call this The Great Commission - God telling His people to go and talk to others, tell others, and teach others.  We have been commissioned, by God, to do this... so why isn't the Christian Church bursting at its seams?  If we all are telling everyone who breathes, then why isn't everyone a believer?  Could it be that we who believe go to church - the building - but that's often it?  Could it be that we who believe don't share with others who don't believe?  Could it be that we who believe don't invite people to come to church - the building - to hear about God, so they get to believe too?  Hmm...

  • How often do you go to church - the building?
  • How often do you meet with the Church - the people?
  • How many people have you invited to church last week? 
  • How many will you be inviting this week?

God is indeed calling those who believe in Him to BE the Church - to hear His call, to respond to His teaching, and to tell others about Him.  Yup, it might mean doing something more than we are used to; it might mean going somewhere we are not used to; it might mean talking to, or being with, or helping out, someone we are not used to... or have never even imagined ourselves being around.  Yup, it might... or it might not... but either way, if we BE the church instead of just going to church, then someone might hear about God from us, and that someone might become a believer, who in turn might tell someone else... who might tell someone else... who... well, you get the drift!

BE THE CHURCH, k. (hey, it bears repeating!)

After all, God has called us to be just that!

God, I don't want to just go to church, but I want to truly BE the church.  Help me with that, 'cause it might not always be comfortable.  Thank you for choosing me to BE your church!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Only imagine...

Last night, I was blessed to be the guest of my mother-in-law at a concert.  Now, some of you, or perhaps most of you, may not either know this group, or like this group, but I both know it and LOVE it.  Il Divo - four singers - Swiss tenor Urs Buhler, baritone Carlos Marin from Spain, the French pop artist Sebastien Izambard and tenor David Miller from the USA - gave an amazing concert!  The blend of voices is like nothing else... well, except perhaps some LAJ singers, but I digress...  Il Divo means "divine male performer" in Italian, something fans of the group agree is a fitting title!  Over 2 1/2 hours of heavenly music and we left wanting more...

Heaven... it's going to be a lot more than 2 1/2 hours of heavenly music.  And... we won't be leaving, but we will be wanting more.  Well, I don't know that for sure, but I can sure guess it to be true!  Singing, praising, loving... and being in the presence of God forever - it's beyond anything I can possible imagine or grasp with my finite mind.  I cannot imagine not being there... can you?

And how might you know you will be there?  Glad you asked!  You see, God makes it very clear in the Bible that we need to believe.  And God knows our heart, whether or not we truly believe.  Do you believe Jesus is the Son of God?  I mean, really believe it!  'Cause He is, you know - yes, He came to earth as a human, but look at the things He did, the miracles He performed, the healings that happened, etc.  Yes, He died at the hands of those who hated Him for what He did and who He was.  But yes, He rose from the dead - He was not in the tomb in which His body was buried.  And... He appeared to people after His death, telling them He will indeed be with them and come back for them, so they get to spend forever with Him.  It's all true, you know... it's in the Bible. 

  • Do you believe? 
  • Do you believe Jesus is the Son of God? 
  • Do you believe you have done things in your life that are not what God would have you do? 

We all have, you know - it's called a word some people don't like, but hey, it is what it is - sin.  Sin is simply anything that isn't from God.  We all do it because we're human, but we all can stop doing it, or at least work towards that, if we want to.  Actually, we can't do it, but God can do it in our lives.  Yup, we just need to believe. 

If you are not a believer, Jesus is calling you to be one.  It's a matter of truly wanting to stop doing the things you are doing, and saying to God that you want to try things His way.  God loves you so much, and wants you to come to know Him.  He does.  It's true!  Will you?  Listening to Il Divo was like a bit of heaven here on earth, but it doesn't even begin to approach what I imagine heaven will be like.  Not that heavenly music should be an inspiration, but hey, imagine what it will be like to spend forever in heaven with God - we can only imagine!  But it's up to you...  If you want to, pray this prayer with me:

God, I know I am away from you.  I am sorry for the things I do that hurt you.  Please forgive me for this; help me to turn away from these things, and do the things you want me to do, and be the person you want me to be.  Come into my heart and help me to live a life pleasing to you.  Amen.

If you have done this, please let me know:

God loves you - know this!
And just in case you missed it... God loves you - know this!

Someday, all believers will be experiencing heaven, and perhaps we all might be considered "Il Divo", male or female!  I can only imagine... how about you?


Saturday, July 28, 2012


So, how are you and God today?  I mean, are you feeling His presence in your life in a strong way?  Wondering where He is, perhaps?  Hmm... wonder no more - read this amazing Bible passage from a very modern translation:

Habakkuk 3: 17-19 (The Message)
Though the cherry trees don't blossom and the strawberries don't ripen, though the apples are worm-eaten and the wheat fields stunted, though the sheep pens are sheepless and the cattle barns empty, I'm singing joyful praise to God.  I'm turning cartwheels of joy to my Saviour God.  Counting on God's Rule to prevail, I take heart and gain strength.  I run like a deer.  I feel like I'm king of the mountain!

Doesn't that kind of make you want to just jump up and down for joy!  Every time I read this passage, I feel that way.  God is here, with me, never leaves me, always there for me.  And for you.  And for each of us.  Always.  Through the good times.  Through the bad times.  Through times when life just sucks - and you know it does sometimes!  Through it all...  we can have faith in God, 'cause He just never leaves us, or fails us.

Faith is trusting in God even when you don't feel Him, or see what He's doing, or when you're wondering why, or how, or whatever.  Faith is trusting that God will always be God, no matter what kind of stuff life throws your way.  Faith is always feeling that assurance of God's presence, even if we don't always like what He is doing in/with us, and even when we wonder what in the world is going on!  In all of life's ups and downs, God is that even ground where we can know He is there for us... always...

  • Have you been through times when you doubted God?
  • In those times, what did you do?  Get closer to Him?  Run from Him?
  • Will you trust God, have faith in Him... today and always?

Through all that happens in life, God is there.  Through all that happens in life, God is there.  (repetition intended - we really DO need to know this!)  Just have FAITH!

God, when I doubt, give me faith.  When I wonder, and you don't always give me answers, give me faith.  Thank you, God, for your assurance of always being there, no matter what.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Round Peg, Square Hole

Photo: The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are usually the ones who do.

Okay, so what do you think?  Are you crazy?  Are you a misfit?  Are you 'one of those'?  I don't know about you, but I often wish I was more crazy (although some would say I am already!), more of a misfit (again, some would say... well, you get the drift), etc.  But every now and then, are you like me and you just see something, oh, differently than most, or wonder why something ISN'T being done when, to you, it just makes SO much sense to do it, or... a million other things that might just qualify you as 'one of those'!

And the Bible...  you know, the Bible is absolutely chock-full of "crazy ones", "misfits", "rebels", "troublemakers", and "round pegs in square holes".  Full of people who saw things differently, and yearned to see things done differently.  And the chief of all these was... yes, you know it... Jesus!  Yuppers!  Now put your stones down and read something from the Bible, something we all should read... a lot...

Isaiah 53:12 
He was counted among the rebels.  He bore the sins of many and interceded for rebels.

The prophet Isaiah was speaking about Jesus.  Jesus - the Son of God - the one who came to earth as a baby and, taking all our wrongdoing on Himself, died a horrible death.  Jesus, the rebel.  How in the world is anyone able to conclude this of this... this... Jesus?

Jesus entered into world history and turned everything upside-down.  Seriously, He did.  Jesus took what the people of the day considered the 'status quo', and told them there was a different way of doing things.  Well, not only a different way of doing things, but a different way of looking at things.  In other words, His way.  And Jesus all but told the people that it was either His way or the highway!  Okay, not in so many words, but He did say we are to honour Him, worship Him, listen and obey Him, pray to Him, and basically surrender our lives to Him.  You know, your typical grocery-list of demands, right?  NOT!  No idols, no doing things their own way, no listening to what others say, etc.  I say it again: Jesus was a rebel.  Jesus IS a rebel. 

And because He is, change has happened, and continues to happen.  And because He is, we have the hope that, if we believe He is the Son of God, and ask Him to live in our hearts, we will live forever with Him:

John 3:16
For God SO loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not die, but have eternal life.

That's it!  And that's what makes this so... well, different.  Because we have a hope in Him, which is both a present reality (living with/for Him on earth) and a future hope (living forever with Him in heaven).  And all this because of a rebel, a misfit, a crazy guy who came with a head full of different thoughts and a heart full of different love.  For this, we thank Him.  For this, we praise Him.  Jesus - rebel with a cause!  Amen!

God, thank you for the amazing gift of your Son Jesus - rebel, misfit, whatever.  Thank you for loving us so much to give Him to us, so that we might get to spend forever with you.  Thank you for this 'square peg in a round hole', because without Him, there is nothing!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Give us this day...

Okay, did you notice?  Notice what, you might say?  Um, hello!  Did you notice the new name of the blog?  Yea, I guess if you are reading this, then yes, you likely have! 

"Your Daily Ed" was a nice play on words, but there were those who thought the name could be... well, different, better, whatever.  I have to admit, I like "Your Daily Ed", but... kinda draws attention to me, not to whom it should - God!  So... in the spirit of the Lord who gave us the words of the present title, here it is - GIVE US THIS DAY - for better or for worse!

Speaking of "Give us this day...", pull up a chair, grab your coffee (or tea, or whatever), and take a moment to read a portion of what we often refer to as "The Lord's Prayer":

READ:  Matthew 6: 9-13

This is the prayer that Jesus taught to His disciples, His followers.  Jesus wanted them to know how they were supposed to talk to God (which is what prayer is - talking to God!), and so this teaching moment happened.  One of these verses reads:

Give us this day our daily bread...

We think of 'bread' as being a staple, a food, solid and nourishing - and it is.  In this context, however, Jesus was not limiting 'bread' to being only that; He was saying we need food ('bread'), in order to survive - it feeds us and gives us the nourishment we need to keep going - but we also need His Word ('bread', the Bible!).  Confused?  A bit hard to wrap your head around?  Well, think of the Bible, which is God's teachings for us, as what nourishes us and keeps us going - without it, we just get by.  If we can see this, then we can understand that the Bible and its teachings are what we need to live a full life, and so asking God to give to us - daily! - what we need to stay alive in Him is exactly what we should be doing! 

I saw this picture on FB and thought it very appropriate to this devotional:

Don't get me wrong, cake is great - I love cake - who doesn't! (especially chocolate cake with chocolate ganache icing... but I digress...)  However, eating cake just doesn't give us what we need to grow and be healthy!  Eating solid food, like bread, does it - and that's what the Bible is for us.  AND... we are to do this DAILY (remember: "Give us this day our DAILY bread"!). 

  • What kind of 'spiritual food' are YOU eating?
  • How might your 'eating' habits be able to be changed?  improved?

In this day and age where health and fitness is so huge, why not make certain that your spiritual health is where it should be also!  I mean, really, God said to, so it's not like we should be thinking otherwise, right!

God, help us in our times of spiritual famine, to eat properly, to eat of the Bread of Life.  And God, please give this to us DAILY - our daily bread!

Monday, July 23, 2012

New Things

Change... the mere word brings horror to some, excitement to others.  Change... it's all about NEW THINGS, isn't it!  Change...  it's inevitable, it's necessary, it's happening!  Take a moment and watch this clip from a longer message...

(This clip is excerpted from the sermon "Dead in Sardis: Stopped Caring or Trying," preached by Pastor Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill Church at the site of the ruins of the Temple of Artemis in the ancient city of Sardis in Turkey)

New things... you make my heart sing... you make everything... groovy! 

Okay, maybe not quite the words but hey, new things DO make our hearts sing... don't they!?!?!?

New things are happening!  New things are exciting; new things are frightening.  New things cause us to stop and think and move ahead and... well, new things mean change and change never stands still!

READ:  Isaiah 42: 1-9 (NIV)

Isaiah 42:9 (NIV)
See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare...

As I look around our congregation, and I see new people, and new life, and new things going on, I am amazed.  Not amazed that it's happening, but amazed with God.  Not amazed that God is doing new things, but amazed by how good God is and how faithful God is when we are faithful to Him.  You see, God is a God who desires that we hear Him, listen to Him, obey Him, and tell others about Him.  If we aren't doing those things - either as individuals or as a church - we can't really expect God to do His thing, a new thing!  Not that He can't or won't - after all, He IS God and is able to do what He wants! - but He really desires that we are faithful.  And if we think about it, we should want to be faithful anyhow, shouldn't we?  Just look at what God has done in our lives, in our church, and we should be wanting to be uber-faithful just 'cause!

Ask yourself:

  • Am I being as faithful to God as I could be?
  • If not, what do I need to change?
  • Am I willing to be part of the change God wants to do in me?  in my church?

God is a God of new things, and it's so exciting when He starts a work, and keeps on working, in us &/or in our church.  I am excited about change - although there is indeed a small element of AARRGGHH sometimes! - because I know God is in it and He is just so good at doing what He does... isn't He?  Amen!

God, thank you for moving and working in my life, in my church, in the world today.  Help me to be faithful, to listen and obey you, and to embrace whatever change you bring.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Judge Not...

I once read this devotional, and thought of the amazing message in it; I'd like to share it with you:

When I walked into my office this morning, there was a crisp $20 bill on my desk.  Puzzled, I asked my assistant Carol if she knew where the money had come from.  Carol smiled and said, “That’s an interesting story, Scott.  This morning when I arrived at the office, there was a nice-looking young man in the reception area. He asked if you were here.  When I told him it would be an hour or so before you arrived, he reached into his pocket, pulled out a $20 bill and handed it to me.  He said that you had given him some money several years ago, and that he promised he would repay you. He said to tell you he had a great job now and to thank you.  Then he left.”  As Carol talked, I suddenly recalled meeting that young man. Late one Saturday night, I had been leaving the church office after putting the finishing touches on a sermon.  As I turned out the lights and walked toward the door, I saw the silhouette of a man standing on the steps.  I opened the door cautiously, and the man turned to meet me.  For a moment our eyes met, and I heard him say, “Pastor, I need some help.  My car is nearly out of gas, and I’ve got to get to Austin tonight.  Could you lend me some money?  I promise I’ll pay you back.”  How many times have I heard that line? I thought, and I mentally formulated my reply: “The office is closed.  There’s nothing I can do.”  At the same time, I felt my hand reach for my billfold.  Pulling out what I thought was a $5 bill, I realized too late that I was handing him a twenty.  I wished him luck, we parted and the man melted into the night.  While I had quickly forgotten that moment long ago, he had remembered.  And now I could only be thankful that God’s Spirit had shut my mouth and guided my hand to my pocket.

READ:  Isaiah 11: 1-5

How many times have I encountered a similar situation and ended up not giving anything?  Of course, we must be careful, and we cannot always give something to everyone, but... there's always God, isn't there?  I mean, what about asking God what He thinks we should do, and then just do it?  Sometimes, what we consider to be interruptions or inconveniences may actually be God giving us opportunities to serve Him by serving others.  It all boils down to knowing what God wants us to do before we possibly do the opposite!

Consider how you might do things a bit differently this week...
  • How might I "step out" and do something I might not normally do?
  • What role does God play in my decisions?  Now?  From now on?

The Bible tells us that perhaps we might be entertaining angels without being aware of it - perhaps the situation(s) we will find ourselves in this week might just be a part of God's plan for us to be reaching out to help others, to serve God by serving other people.  Who knows!

God, may I always err on the side of grace as I give your love to others.

Friday, July 20, 2012

God's House or...

READ:  Haggai 1: 4-12

Have you ever been so proud of what you have, that you haven't even given a thought to those who might have nothing?  Have you ever put so much money, time, effort, etc., into your own place, pleasures, etc., that you have neglected to think about God's place, pleasures, etc.?  In the Bible reading, God is telling the people that they cannot neglect His house and His servants; in fact, God is asking them how they can stand to live in their panelled homes while His house is in ruins! 

The people started to build God's house, but then things like money and time became scarce, so they decided to stop building.  However, they didn't stop building their own places; in fact, they made them plush and comfortable places to be.  God says He isn't impressed, that they are not to neglect His place while pouring their all into their own places.  AND... because they do this, God says He will bring hardship on the people, primarily in their fields.  Obviously not a God they should have been ignoring!

So what about you?  Is there something you are concentrating all your efforts on, to the neglect of something you should be concentrating all your efforts on?  Ask yourself that question, and if you come up with something, then ask yourself why you are neglecting what you should be concentrating on.  No, I mean it - ask yourself that.  Out loud.  Ask.  Why?  Because neglecting what God wants us to do, and focusing on what we want to do, is not pleasing to God. 

Whether it is financial support, or your time, or your talents, remember that God is pleased when we give to Him.  His house - the church, us - cannot be neglected, while we do our own thing and concentrate on our own places. 

God, thank you for your Word to us, telling us and reminding us of our obligation to you and your house.  Help us never to focus on the things of us to the detriment of the things of  you!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Our Focus

Love... yes, we hear a lot about it, but the Bible tells us that there is faith and hope and love, but the greatest of these is love.  And according to the picture above, taken from Facebook, love is the solution on which we are to focus.  Love, love, love... no, not just the start of a Beatle's song, but what it's really all about...

READ:  1 John 4: 7-8

Actually, the whole book of 1 John is a wonderful testimony to the love of God, and to the love believers in God ought to have.  In the 2 verses above, however, the author (the apostle John) really lays it on the line, so to speak.

Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God.  Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God.  But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love.

John is saying that God wants us to love each other; well, actually God says He wants us to continue to love each other.  And why?  Because it's a neat thing to do?  Because it sounds good in print?  No, because love comes from God.  Love isn't just a feeling, something we think about with regard to others; instead, love is an action, a choice, and it means we need to understand why we ought to love.  And why is it that we ought to love?  Because it is from God.  Love doesn't come from something we do, but from the one who gave us life - from God.  God is the source of our love. 

John goes on to say that if we love, we are a part of the family of God and so we know God.  And... if we do NOT love, we do not know God.  Why?  Because God IS love.  Not 'love is God', which infers that love is what makes us feel good and warm and fuzzy, but 'God is love', which means love is good and perfect and right - my NLT Study Bible says, "Real love is like God, who is holy, just, and perfect". 

So what does this all mean?  It means that, if we really know God, then we will really know what love is, and we will really love as God loves.  Love is the solution to life - not that it solves all life's problems, but if we focus on love instead of all the things that are wrong or difficult or irritating or a host of other negative things, we will be looking at what is right and good. 

  • How do you love others?
  • What allows others to see God's love in you?
  • What might you be able to do to make sure others see the love in God in you?

An even better question might be:

  • What is your focus?

If it's on all that's going on around you, then perhaps you need a change of focus.  But if it's on God and His love in you, then you have the right focus, the one that focuses on the solution.  Remember, God IS love, and so when we love others, we are showing them God!

God, help us to always show your love to others, in our words, our actions, our life.