Monday, July 23, 2012

New Things

Change... the mere word brings horror to some, excitement to others.  Change... it's all about NEW THINGS, isn't it!  Change...  it's inevitable, it's necessary, it's happening!  Take a moment and watch this clip from a longer message...

(This clip is excerpted from the sermon "Dead in Sardis: Stopped Caring or Trying," preached by Pastor Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill Church at the site of the ruins of the Temple of Artemis in the ancient city of Sardis in Turkey)

New things... you make my heart sing... you make everything... groovy! 

Okay, maybe not quite the words but hey, new things DO make our hearts sing... don't they!?!?!?

New things are happening!  New things are exciting; new things are frightening.  New things cause us to stop and think and move ahead and... well, new things mean change and change never stands still!

READ:  Isaiah 42: 1-9 (NIV)

Isaiah 42:9 (NIV)
See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare...

As I look around our congregation, and I see new people, and new life, and new things going on, I am amazed.  Not amazed that it's happening, but amazed with God.  Not amazed that God is doing new things, but amazed by how good God is and how faithful God is when we are faithful to Him.  You see, God is a God who desires that we hear Him, listen to Him, obey Him, and tell others about Him.  If we aren't doing those things - either as individuals or as a church - we can't really expect God to do His thing, a new thing!  Not that He can't or won't - after all, He IS God and is able to do what He wants! - but He really desires that we are faithful.  And if we think about it, we should want to be faithful anyhow, shouldn't we?  Just look at what God has done in our lives, in our church, and we should be wanting to be uber-faithful just 'cause!

Ask yourself:

  • Am I being as faithful to God as I could be?
  • If not, what do I need to change?
  • Am I willing to be part of the change God wants to do in me?  in my church?

God is a God of new things, and it's so exciting when He starts a work, and keeps on working, in us &/or in our church.  I am excited about change - although there is indeed a small element of AARRGGHH sometimes! - because I know God is in it and He is just so good at doing what He does... isn't He?  Amen!

God, thank you for moving and working in my life, in my church, in the world today.  Help me to be faithful, to listen and obey you, and to embrace whatever change you bring.

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