Sunday, July 29, 2012

Only imagine...

Last night, I was blessed to be the guest of my mother-in-law at a concert.  Now, some of you, or perhaps most of you, may not either know this group, or like this group, but I both know it and LOVE it.  Il Divo - four singers - Swiss tenor Urs Buhler, baritone Carlos Marin from Spain, the French pop artist Sebastien Izambard and tenor David Miller from the USA - gave an amazing concert!  The blend of voices is like nothing else... well, except perhaps some LAJ singers, but I digress...  Il Divo means "divine male performer" in Italian, something fans of the group agree is a fitting title!  Over 2 1/2 hours of heavenly music and we left wanting more...

Heaven... it's going to be a lot more than 2 1/2 hours of heavenly music.  And... we won't be leaving, but we will be wanting more.  Well, I don't know that for sure, but I can sure guess it to be true!  Singing, praising, loving... and being in the presence of God forever - it's beyond anything I can possible imagine or grasp with my finite mind.  I cannot imagine not being there... can you?

And how might you know you will be there?  Glad you asked!  You see, God makes it very clear in the Bible that we need to believe.  And God knows our heart, whether or not we truly believe.  Do you believe Jesus is the Son of God?  I mean, really believe it!  'Cause He is, you know - yes, He came to earth as a human, but look at the things He did, the miracles He performed, the healings that happened, etc.  Yes, He died at the hands of those who hated Him for what He did and who He was.  But yes, He rose from the dead - He was not in the tomb in which His body was buried.  And... He appeared to people after His death, telling them He will indeed be with them and come back for them, so they get to spend forever with Him.  It's all true, you know... it's in the Bible. 

  • Do you believe? 
  • Do you believe Jesus is the Son of God? 
  • Do you believe you have done things in your life that are not what God would have you do? 

We all have, you know - it's called a word some people don't like, but hey, it is what it is - sin.  Sin is simply anything that isn't from God.  We all do it because we're human, but we all can stop doing it, or at least work towards that, if we want to.  Actually, we can't do it, but God can do it in our lives.  Yup, we just need to believe. 

If you are not a believer, Jesus is calling you to be one.  It's a matter of truly wanting to stop doing the things you are doing, and saying to God that you want to try things His way.  God loves you so much, and wants you to come to know Him.  He does.  It's true!  Will you?  Listening to Il Divo was like a bit of heaven here on earth, but it doesn't even begin to approach what I imagine heaven will be like.  Not that heavenly music should be an inspiration, but hey, imagine what it will be like to spend forever in heaven with God - we can only imagine!  But it's up to you...  If you want to, pray this prayer with me:

God, I know I am away from you.  I am sorry for the things I do that hurt you.  Please forgive me for this; help me to turn away from these things, and do the things you want me to do, and be the person you want me to be.  Come into my heart and help me to live a life pleasing to you.  Amen.

If you have done this, please let me know:

God loves you - know this!
And just in case you missed it... God loves you - know this!

Someday, all believers will be experiencing heaven, and perhaps we all might be considered "Il Divo", male or female!  I can only imagine... how about you?


Saturday, July 28, 2012


So, how are you and God today?  I mean, are you feeling His presence in your life in a strong way?  Wondering where He is, perhaps?  Hmm... wonder no more - read this amazing Bible passage from a very modern translation:

Habakkuk 3: 17-19 (The Message)
Though the cherry trees don't blossom and the strawberries don't ripen, though the apples are worm-eaten and the wheat fields stunted, though the sheep pens are sheepless and the cattle barns empty, I'm singing joyful praise to God.  I'm turning cartwheels of joy to my Saviour God.  Counting on God's Rule to prevail, I take heart and gain strength.  I run like a deer.  I feel like I'm king of the mountain!

Doesn't that kind of make you want to just jump up and down for joy!  Every time I read this passage, I feel that way.  God is here, with me, never leaves me, always there for me.  And for you.  And for each of us.  Always.  Through the good times.  Through the bad times.  Through times when life just sucks - and you know it does sometimes!  Through it all...  we can have faith in God, 'cause He just never leaves us, or fails us.

Faith is trusting in God even when you don't feel Him, or see what He's doing, or when you're wondering why, or how, or whatever.  Faith is trusting that God will always be God, no matter what kind of stuff life throws your way.  Faith is always feeling that assurance of God's presence, even if we don't always like what He is doing in/with us, and even when we wonder what in the world is going on!  In all of life's ups and downs, God is that even ground where we can know He is there for us... always...

  • Have you been through times when you doubted God?
  • In those times, what did you do?  Get closer to Him?  Run from Him?
  • Will you trust God, have faith in Him... today and always?

Through all that happens in life, God is there.  Through all that happens in life, God is there.  (repetition intended - we really DO need to know this!)  Just have FAITH!

God, when I doubt, give me faith.  When I wonder, and you don't always give me answers, give me faith.  Thank you, God, for your assurance of always being there, no matter what.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Round Peg, Square Hole

Photo: The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are usually the ones who do.

Okay, so what do you think?  Are you crazy?  Are you a misfit?  Are you 'one of those'?  I don't know about you, but I often wish I was more crazy (although some would say I am already!), more of a misfit (again, some would say... well, you get the drift), etc.  But every now and then, are you like me and you just see something, oh, differently than most, or wonder why something ISN'T being done when, to you, it just makes SO much sense to do it, or... a million other things that might just qualify you as 'one of those'!

And the Bible...  you know, the Bible is absolutely chock-full of "crazy ones", "misfits", "rebels", "troublemakers", and "round pegs in square holes".  Full of people who saw things differently, and yearned to see things done differently.  And the chief of all these was... yes, you know it... Jesus!  Yuppers!  Now put your stones down and read something from the Bible, something we all should read... a lot...

Isaiah 53:12 
He was counted among the rebels.  He bore the sins of many and interceded for rebels.

The prophet Isaiah was speaking about Jesus.  Jesus - the Son of God - the one who came to earth as a baby and, taking all our wrongdoing on Himself, died a horrible death.  Jesus, the rebel.  How in the world is anyone able to conclude this of this... this... Jesus?

Jesus entered into world history and turned everything upside-down.  Seriously, He did.  Jesus took what the people of the day considered the 'status quo', and told them there was a different way of doing things.  Well, not only a different way of doing things, but a different way of looking at things.  In other words, His way.  And Jesus all but told the people that it was either His way or the highway!  Okay, not in so many words, but He did say we are to honour Him, worship Him, listen and obey Him, pray to Him, and basically surrender our lives to Him.  You know, your typical grocery-list of demands, right?  NOT!  No idols, no doing things their own way, no listening to what others say, etc.  I say it again: Jesus was a rebel.  Jesus IS a rebel. 

And because He is, change has happened, and continues to happen.  And because He is, we have the hope that, if we believe He is the Son of God, and ask Him to live in our hearts, we will live forever with Him:

John 3:16
For God SO loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not die, but have eternal life.

That's it!  And that's what makes this so... well, different.  Because we have a hope in Him, which is both a present reality (living with/for Him on earth) and a future hope (living forever with Him in heaven).  And all this because of a rebel, a misfit, a crazy guy who came with a head full of different thoughts and a heart full of different love.  For this, we thank Him.  For this, we praise Him.  Jesus - rebel with a cause!  Amen!

God, thank you for the amazing gift of your Son Jesus - rebel, misfit, whatever.  Thank you for loving us so much to give Him to us, so that we might get to spend forever with you.  Thank you for this 'square peg in a round hole', because without Him, there is nothing!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Give us this day...

Okay, did you notice?  Notice what, you might say?  Um, hello!  Did you notice the new name of the blog?  Yea, I guess if you are reading this, then yes, you likely have! 

"Your Daily Ed" was a nice play on words, but there were those who thought the name could be... well, different, better, whatever.  I have to admit, I like "Your Daily Ed", but... kinda draws attention to me, not to whom it should - God!  So... in the spirit of the Lord who gave us the words of the present title, here it is - GIVE US THIS DAY - for better or for worse!

Speaking of "Give us this day...", pull up a chair, grab your coffee (or tea, or whatever), and take a moment to read a portion of what we often refer to as "The Lord's Prayer":

READ:  Matthew 6: 9-13

This is the prayer that Jesus taught to His disciples, His followers.  Jesus wanted them to know how they were supposed to talk to God (which is what prayer is - talking to God!), and so this teaching moment happened.  One of these verses reads:

Give us this day our daily bread...

We think of 'bread' as being a staple, a food, solid and nourishing - and it is.  In this context, however, Jesus was not limiting 'bread' to being only that; He was saying we need food ('bread'), in order to survive - it feeds us and gives us the nourishment we need to keep going - but we also need His Word ('bread', the Bible!).  Confused?  A bit hard to wrap your head around?  Well, think of the Bible, which is God's teachings for us, as what nourishes us and keeps us going - without it, we just get by.  If we can see this, then we can understand that the Bible and its teachings are what we need to live a full life, and so asking God to give to us - daily! - what we need to stay alive in Him is exactly what we should be doing! 

I saw this picture on FB and thought it very appropriate to this devotional:

Don't get me wrong, cake is great - I love cake - who doesn't! (especially chocolate cake with chocolate ganache icing... but I digress...)  However, eating cake just doesn't give us what we need to grow and be healthy!  Eating solid food, like bread, does it - and that's what the Bible is for us.  AND... we are to do this DAILY (remember: "Give us this day our DAILY bread"!). 

  • What kind of 'spiritual food' are YOU eating?
  • How might your 'eating' habits be able to be changed?  improved?

In this day and age where health and fitness is so huge, why not make certain that your spiritual health is where it should be also!  I mean, really, God said to, so it's not like we should be thinking otherwise, right!

God, help us in our times of spiritual famine, to eat properly, to eat of the Bread of Life.  And God, please give this to us DAILY - our daily bread!

Monday, July 23, 2012

New Things

Change... the mere word brings horror to some, excitement to others.  Change... it's all about NEW THINGS, isn't it!  Change...  it's inevitable, it's necessary, it's happening!  Take a moment and watch this clip from a longer message...

(This clip is excerpted from the sermon "Dead in Sardis: Stopped Caring or Trying," preached by Pastor Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill Church at the site of the ruins of the Temple of Artemis in the ancient city of Sardis in Turkey)

New things... you make my heart sing... you make everything... groovy! 

Okay, maybe not quite the words but hey, new things DO make our hearts sing... don't they!?!?!?

New things are happening!  New things are exciting; new things are frightening.  New things cause us to stop and think and move ahead and... well, new things mean change and change never stands still!

READ:  Isaiah 42: 1-9 (NIV)

Isaiah 42:9 (NIV)
See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare...

As I look around our congregation, and I see new people, and new life, and new things going on, I am amazed.  Not amazed that it's happening, but amazed with God.  Not amazed that God is doing new things, but amazed by how good God is and how faithful God is when we are faithful to Him.  You see, God is a God who desires that we hear Him, listen to Him, obey Him, and tell others about Him.  If we aren't doing those things - either as individuals or as a church - we can't really expect God to do His thing, a new thing!  Not that He can't or won't - after all, He IS God and is able to do what He wants! - but He really desires that we are faithful.  And if we think about it, we should want to be faithful anyhow, shouldn't we?  Just look at what God has done in our lives, in our church, and we should be wanting to be uber-faithful just 'cause!

Ask yourself:

  • Am I being as faithful to God as I could be?
  • If not, what do I need to change?
  • Am I willing to be part of the change God wants to do in me?  in my church?

God is a God of new things, and it's so exciting when He starts a work, and keeps on working, in us &/or in our church.  I am excited about change - although there is indeed a small element of AARRGGHH sometimes! - because I know God is in it and He is just so good at doing what He does... isn't He?  Amen!

God, thank you for moving and working in my life, in my church, in the world today.  Help me to be faithful, to listen and obey you, and to embrace whatever change you bring.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Judge Not...

I once read this devotional, and thought of the amazing message in it; I'd like to share it with you:

When I walked into my office this morning, there was a crisp $20 bill on my desk.  Puzzled, I asked my assistant Carol if she knew where the money had come from.  Carol smiled and said, “That’s an interesting story, Scott.  This morning when I arrived at the office, there was a nice-looking young man in the reception area. He asked if you were here.  When I told him it would be an hour or so before you arrived, he reached into his pocket, pulled out a $20 bill and handed it to me.  He said that you had given him some money several years ago, and that he promised he would repay you. He said to tell you he had a great job now and to thank you.  Then he left.”  As Carol talked, I suddenly recalled meeting that young man. Late one Saturday night, I had been leaving the church office after putting the finishing touches on a sermon.  As I turned out the lights and walked toward the door, I saw the silhouette of a man standing on the steps.  I opened the door cautiously, and the man turned to meet me.  For a moment our eyes met, and I heard him say, “Pastor, I need some help.  My car is nearly out of gas, and I’ve got to get to Austin tonight.  Could you lend me some money?  I promise I’ll pay you back.”  How many times have I heard that line? I thought, and I mentally formulated my reply: “The office is closed.  There’s nothing I can do.”  At the same time, I felt my hand reach for my billfold.  Pulling out what I thought was a $5 bill, I realized too late that I was handing him a twenty.  I wished him luck, we parted and the man melted into the night.  While I had quickly forgotten that moment long ago, he had remembered.  And now I could only be thankful that God’s Spirit had shut my mouth and guided my hand to my pocket.

READ:  Isaiah 11: 1-5

How many times have I encountered a similar situation and ended up not giving anything?  Of course, we must be careful, and we cannot always give something to everyone, but... there's always God, isn't there?  I mean, what about asking God what He thinks we should do, and then just do it?  Sometimes, what we consider to be interruptions or inconveniences may actually be God giving us opportunities to serve Him by serving others.  It all boils down to knowing what God wants us to do before we possibly do the opposite!

Consider how you might do things a bit differently this week...
  • How might I "step out" and do something I might not normally do?
  • What role does God play in my decisions?  Now?  From now on?

The Bible tells us that perhaps we might be entertaining angels without being aware of it - perhaps the situation(s) we will find ourselves in this week might just be a part of God's plan for us to be reaching out to help others, to serve God by serving other people.  Who knows!

God, may I always err on the side of grace as I give your love to others.

Friday, July 20, 2012

God's House or...

READ:  Haggai 1: 4-12

Have you ever been so proud of what you have, that you haven't even given a thought to those who might have nothing?  Have you ever put so much money, time, effort, etc., into your own place, pleasures, etc., that you have neglected to think about God's place, pleasures, etc.?  In the Bible reading, God is telling the people that they cannot neglect His house and His servants; in fact, God is asking them how they can stand to live in their panelled homes while His house is in ruins! 

The people started to build God's house, but then things like money and time became scarce, so they decided to stop building.  However, they didn't stop building their own places; in fact, they made them plush and comfortable places to be.  God says He isn't impressed, that they are not to neglect His place while pouring their all into their own places.  AND... because they do this, God says He will bring hardship on the people, primarily in their fields.  Obviously not a God they should have been ignoring!

So what about you?  Is there something you are concentrating all your efforts on, to the neglect of something you should be concentrating all your efforts on?  Ask yourself that question, and if you come up with something, then ask yourself why you are neglecting what you should be concentrating on.  No, I mean it - ask yourself that.  Out loud.  Ask.  Why?  Because neglecting what God wants us to do, and focusing on what we want to do, is not pleasing to God. 

Whether it is financial support, or your time, or your talents, remember that God is pleased when we give to Him.  His house - the church, us - cannot be neglected, while we do our own thing and concentrate on our own places. 

God, thank you for your Word to us, telling us and reminding us of our obligation to you and your house.  Help us never to focus on the things of us to the detriment of the things of  you!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Our Focus

Love... yes, we hear a lot about it, but the Bible tells us that there is faith and hope and love, but the greatest of these is love.  And according to the picture above, taken from Facebook, love is the solution on which we are to focus.  Love, love, love... no, not just the start of a Beatle's song, but what it's really all about...

READ:  1 John 4: 7-8

Actually, the whole book of 1 John is a wonderful testimony to the love of God, and to the love believers in God ought to have.  In the 2 verses above, however, the author (the apostle John) really lays it on the line, so to speak.

Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God.  Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God.  But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love.

John is saying that God wants us to love each other; well, actually God says He wants us to continue to love each other.  And why?  Because it's a neat thing to do?  Because it sounds good in print?  No, because love comes from God.  Love isn't just a feeling, something we think about with regard to others; instead, love is an action, a choice, and it means we need to understand why we ought to love.  And why is it that we ought to love?  Because it is from God.  Love doesn't come from something we do, but from the one who gave us life - from God.  God is the source of our love. 

John goes on to say that if we love, we are a part of the family of God and so we know God.  And... if we do NOT love, we do not know God.  Why?  Because God IS love.  Not 'love is God', which infers that love is what makes us feel good and warm and fuzzy, but 'God is love', which means love is good and perfect and right - my NLT Study Bible says, "Real love is like God, who is holy, just, and perfect". 

So what does this all mean?  It means that, if we really know God, then we will really know what love is, and we will really love as God loves.  Love is the solution to life - not that it solves all life's problems, but if we focus on love instead of all the things that are wrong or difficult or irritating or a host of other negative things, we will be looking at what is right and good. 

  • How do you love others?
  • What allows others to see God's love in you?
  • What might you be able to do to make sure others see the love in God in you?

An even better question might be:

  • What is your focus?

If it's on all that's going on around you, then perhaps you need a change of focus.  But if it's on God and His love in you, then you have the right focus, the one that focuses on the solution.  Remember, God IS love, and so when we love others, we are showing them God!

God, help us to always show your love to others, in our words, our actions, our life.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow...

Ira Stanphill wrote these wonderful words about our great big wonderful God:

I don't know about tomorrow, I just live from day to day
I don't borrow from its sunshine, For its skies may turn to gray
I don't worry o'er the future, For I know what Jesus said
And today I'll walk beside Him, For He knows what is ahead.

Many things about tomorrow, I don't seem to understand
But I know who holds tomorrow, And I know who holds my hand.
As I read (and sang!) these words, I got to thinking - yes, I do that from time to time! - about God, and about things that often go wrong, and about things that often go right, and... well, a bunch of things!  Everything about life is different from day to day - even from moment to moment - but one thing always remains the same - GOD!

Read:  Hebrews 13: 1-8

Verse 8 is such a blessing:
Jesus is the same - yesterday, today, and forever.

In other words, Jesus is constant - He never changes - He is always there.  We don't need to worry about today - or tomorrow - because Jesus is there with us - today AND tomorrow AND always!  Earlier in the book of Hebrews (1:12) we read:

You [Jesus] are always the same.

We will change - change is inevitable - but Jesus never changes.  He is always the same loving, caring, concerned, compassionate Jesus He always has been, always is, and always will be.  And because He is the same, we don't have to worry about Him not being there in our lives when things do change - and they will.  Ask yourself:

  • Have I ever doubted God's presence, or His ability, in the past?  In the present?
  • Do I ever think God might not be able to help me out in the future?  If so, why?
  • How might I be able to better trust God and His presence in my life?

Sometimes we worry; okay, OFTEN we worry - but we don't NEED to...  Jesus is there - always has been, always will be - and He is the constant in our ever-changing lives.  So next time you feel alone, or doubt God for anything, or just wonder why, think about this Bible passage, as well as these words from Ira Stanphill:

I don't know about tomorrow, It may bring me poverty
But the one who feeds the sparrow, Is the one who stands by me
And the path that be my portion, May be through the flame or flood
But His presence goes before me, And I'm covered with His blood.
No Jesus, know fear
Know Jesus, no fear!

God, thank you for the assurance of your presence with me always, of your love for me always, and for your protection over me always. 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

On vacation...

Pastor Ed is on vacation from July 9-15, 2012.
There will be no posts during this time.
Please check out this site on Monday July 16!!!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Love your neighbour...

Have you ever done something... just because?  Have you ever done something for someone who couldn't possibly pay you back or do the same for you... just because?  Seriously, it's an amazing feeling...

Growing up, our children were treated to this type of thing.  By treated, I mean they were, I believe, privileged to be able to do things for people, and not expect anything in return.  Cutting someone's lawn, picking up garbage, taking garbage cans from the street to the house - all without the person knowing, and never expecting anything in return.  Things we could do that others might have a difficult time doing, or may not like to do, or... whatever the reason, we did it and had fun doing it too!

READ:  Acts 3: 1-10

Jesus did this; He healed people who could never do that for Him.  The disciples did this; they healed people who could never do that for them.  And I can't imagine they didn't feel a bit of a thrill in knowing they had helped people, in Jesus' name, who would otherwise remain unhealed.

There are times in our lives when we just need someone to care, to feel loved by someone, accepted.  There are people in this world who are able to do this and don't, and there are - thank God! - people in this world who do care, who do love, and who do accept... even if the person they are caring for, loving, and accepting isn't able to give back in any way.  Why do we do this?  Because God loved us first.  We love because God first loved us!  We are to show God's love to those who don't know it, or don't see it... and just need it so very much!

  • What have I done this week for someone?
  • What have I done this week for someone, that they didn't know about?
  • What will I do this coming week for someone, that will bless them and show them God's love?
There truly are gazillions of things we can do, so let's just go and do them!  "Love isn't love until you give it away", they say, so give it away, folks!  Give love - it feels oh so good to do it!

God, thank you for the opportunities you give to us to show your love to others.  Let us never do it for the 'credit' we get for doing it, but let us do it out of love for you and love for them.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Regular or what?

Once upon a time... okay, maybe it's not so much a 'once upon a time' story, but hey, it's interesting nonetheless!  A few weeks ago, I went to that well-known, iconic coffee place in Canada we all know and love, went through the drive-thru and ordered 2 coffees.  First, I asked for a medium decaf with 2 cream (for someone else) and then asked for a medium regular coffee with 2 cream.  Sounds okay so far, right?  At least, to me it did.  Got the coffees, tasted mine and... hmm... sweet.  I didn't order sugar.  Or at least I didn't think I did.  I now had to go into the store, up to the counter, and confront them with their error - or so I thought.  The girl patiently (okay, maybe not so patiently, but at least condescendingly) explained to me that I ordered a regular coffee, and that's what they gave me.  I told her (even more patiently, yet somehow not condescendingly) that I ordered 1 decaf and 1 regular; in other words, 1 decaf and one non-decaf.  She then told me (now impatiently and even more condescendingly, or so it seemed!) that 'regular' does not mean 'non-decaf' - I could almost hear the 'duh' at the end of the sentence!  Well, that's news to me, I said - where is that posted so I might know that 'regular' now did not now mean 'regular'; I also inquired as to what it DID mean.  Almost dismissively, she told me 'regular' meant 'cream and sugar', and seeing as I also qualified my 'regular' by adding '2 cream', it meant '2 cream and 2 sugar'.  "Really?", I said, to which I got what I recognized as 'the look'!  This time, I pretty much saw the 'duh' in the expression!

Anyhoo... I found it interesting that one day 'regular' meant regular (i.e. non-decaf) coffee, and the next day, it meant something added to the basic black.  Despite my obvious (to the coffee girl, at least) stupidity, I still felt that, having never been explained this, I should not have to automatically know this!  DUH!  Then I got thinking - and this might be construed by some to be dangerous!: being regular doesn't mean being basic, being regular means something has been added.  So now the expression 'a regular Joe' obviously means 'someone, not necessarily named Joe, who is something more than basic'.  This changes the whole dynamic of what being regular is all about - now it's a good thing to be regular, because there's more to the meaning of the word than there ever was!  Who cares anymore about being 'original' or 'spectacular' or 'new and improved' - 'I am a regular guy' takes on a whole new meaning, almost like 'I'm all that AND MORE!'

READ:  Matthew 9: 9-12

The Pharisees - now THERE are some guys who definitely think they fit the new 'regular'!  Not only did they think they knew it all, as far as religious stuff was concerned, but listen to their comment about the taxpayers and associated sinner-type people:

But when the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with such scum? ”

Scum... the stuff of ponds, the junk floating around, the yukky stuff no one wants to get on them.  The Pharisees, self-righteous as they were, thought of those who did wrong as 'scum'.  Obviously, being 'regular' in their own minds meant - in their own minds - they considered others of questionable repute as nothing worthy of having around.  Kinda makes you want to NOT be regular, doesn't it?!?!

  • Do you consider yourself to be 'regular'?  What does this mean to you?
  • How might you show yourself to others if you thought of yourself as being 'regular' (i.e. basic with more)?
  • How do Jesus' words affect what you do?

Jesus had something to say about this, though - He told them that people who are 'regular', or 'healthy', don't need God as much as those who are oh so obviously down-and-out, or thought of as... well, scum.  God loves everybody, yes, but some people just need Him more than others, simply because of life's circumstances.  And isn't it good to know that not all people feel as do the Pharisees!  Isn't it good to know that even those who consider themselves to be the new 'regular' aren't necessarily immune to doing wrong, or thinking wrong!  Of course, the new 'regular' - more than just basic - is really what those who have an active relationship with Jesus are all about, dontcha think?  I mean, having Jesus in your life means you have a whole lot more than just the basics - you have it all! 

Now I know how to properly order coffee at this iconic coffee place, and I am actually thankful for having been given this insight into 'regular', 'cause being regular in this world isn't really so bad after all, is it! 

PRAYERGod, thank you for loving me, and for loving all people, no matter what they are like or what they do or say.  Help me to love as you love.  

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July, y'all...

To all our U.S. friends - Happy 4th of July!  Celebrate life, worship God! 

Doing or Being?

I remember someone once telling me that they were going to go to another church because their worship was livelier.  Nothing wrong with that, right?  True, but... livelier doesn't necessarily mean better.  It might, yes, but not necessarily.  Let me explain, and let me use Amos as part of that explanation.

Stuck in the middle of the book of Amos in the Bible is a section that clearly defines what pleases God and what doesn't please God:

READ:  Amos 5: 21-24

Keep in mind that this is God speaking to His people; this is God telling His people what He thinks of what they're doing.  Interesting how what we do a lot of in church - religious festivals, solemn assemblies, offerings, praise music - is what God is saying to stop doing.  Not that any of those things is bad, but what God is saying is that He isn't pleased with us doing those things to the exclusion of bringing justice to the world and living right.  In other words, do the things necessary to help out "the least of these", and get your life right with God - if we do these things, God is pleased.  The other stuff, well, it's all good, but we have to be right first. 

I love this passage.  To me, it speaks of getting our priorities straight - being right with God and doing what He wants us to do to help others - and then celebrating who God is, what God has done, etc.  Of course, while we are 'getting our lives right', we can be celebrating, but first, God wants all of us.  This is so backwards to what we often consider to be the 'norm', in our lives and in our churches - we love to praise God in music, we love to gather to worship Him, we love to give to the church (we do, right?  right?) - and then God goes and tells us that stuff is good but...   Going through the motions for show isn't showing God we have sincere hearts - God wants us to be real.

First question is from the NLT Study Bible:
  • When you worship at church, are you more concerned about your image or your attitude toward God?
  • Do you ever 'go through the motions', knowing your life isn't what God wants it to be?
  • Why do we use rituals and traditions to make ourselves look good?
You see, it's all about God, not us, and so because of this truth, our lives and all we do should be about being as much like God as possible. 

READ:  Isaiah 1: 10-17

A similar passage to the one from Amos, but a bit more blunt, don't you think!  God is saying:

  1. Wash yourselves and be clean
  2. Get your sins out of my sight
  3. Give up your evil ways
  4. Learn to do good
  5. Seek justice
  6. Help the oppressed
  7. Defend the cause of the orphans
  8. Fight for the rights of widows
A daunting list, to be sure, but hey, it's straight from God and it's what He wants us to be, so...  what's it going to be?  Doing a lot of stuff that might be seen as 'showing off' or not real, or being what God wants us to be - more like Him?  The list above seems like a lot of 'doing' but really, it's all about 'being' what God wants us to be, isn't it?  So again I ask - for you, what's it going to be:  DOING or BEING?


God, you  are so awesome.  Help us to always be looking to you, and to be working at being the very best we can be, more like you.  Doing is good, but being is pleasing to you, and we want you to be pleased by us.  Thank you for challenging us; thank you for loving us; thank you for giving us a template for living! 

Monday, July 2, 2012

One of those days...

One of those days... ever had one?  Ever had a bunch of them?  "One of those days" happens more often than most of us would like, I'm sure.  Today, I drove someone to work, checked out Facebook, did lawn maintenance (cut grass, trimmed, watered plants/garden, etc.)  It also involved some rather distasteful picking up of dog stuff, but I won't go into that...  On top of this busyness, I had to go to the hospital.  No, not for myself (although some might argue a certain ward might be good for me!) - my sister was taken there today.  She may have had a 'minor' stroke or a seizure, and hopefully the EEG in the morning will determine which.  We were up there twice today, so today definitely qualifies as "one of those days"!

Jesus had "one of those days" once.  Well, actually Jesus had "one of those days" a lot!  But one in particular always comes to me...

READ:     Luke 4: 1-13

Jesus was sent by God to the wilderness, but Jesus wasn't alone.  He was tempted by none other than the devil, for 40 days.  Imagine!  After Jesus hadn't eaten for this period of time, the devil decided to try and get Jesus to do his bidding:

Vs. 3: "If you are the Son of God, change this stone into a loaf of bread"
Vs. 6-7: "I will give you the glory of those kingdoms of the world in a moment of time... because they are mine to give to anyone I please.  I will give it all to you if you will worship me"
Vs. 9: "If you are the Son of God, jump off"

Talk about "one of those days"!  Most of us would feel overwhelmed if we felt we were being asked or told to do something we know God wouldn't approve of, but not Jesus.  He did reply to the devil, but he did it by quoting Scripture:

Vs. 4: "People do not live by bread alone"
Vs. 8: "You must worship the Lord your God and serve Him only"
Vs. 12: "You must not test the Lord your God"

Jesus could have flipped out, run screaming from the devil, became angry - or a host of other emotions/actions.  But He didn't... what He did do is quote God to the devil.  And because Jesus did this, the devil left him... "until the next opportunity came".

Think about these things...

  • What might I be tempted by today?
  • How do I react when faced with temptation?
  • What might I do differently?
At the beginning of our reading, we see Jesus described as "full of the Holy Spirit".  In other words, the spirit of God filled Jesus.  We also see that Jesus didn't go into the wilderness on His own - that is, He was led there, "led by the Spirit into the wilderness".  So you see that Jesus relied on God to be the dominant force in His life, to be the one who would lead Him, guide Him, and direct Him as to the way in which He should go.  Nothing like having God as our advocate, is there!

So if you are ever tempted - and who isn't! - think of Jesus, who was tempted just like we are, but just didn't give in to it!  The closer we get to God, the more of His Spirit we have in us - and this will be exactly what we need to combat the devil.  Then, those days when we think nothing more can go wrong, yet it does (hence the designation "one of those days"), we can know that God is there, and He cares, and He will be right there with us, fighting the enemy, the devil.  Amen!

God, thank you for helping us fight the temptations the devil is throwing at us in life. 

Sunday, July 1, 2012


Well, another Canada Day almost over, but first there's the fireworks!  All over Canada, I'm sure, there are cities and towns and villages putting on ear-splitting, earth-shaking fireworks displays.  After all, what would a day of celebration like Canada Day be without noise and lights and more noise and... well, you get the picture!

We love to celebrate, don't we!  Any opportunity to cheer on a team, or sing along with the band, or clap at an amazing display of fireworks, and we're there.  We're so into it, we're so pumped, we're so... enthusiastic.  It seems that the more noise we can make, the better - it's, like, let's celebrate and let's really make it something.

READ:  Psalm 96

Celebrating is great, but why is it (all too often) limited to sports events, or pubs, or dances, or a host of things similar to that?  What about celebrating life?  What about celebrating others?  What about celebrating... God?  God?  Yes, God.  After all, the Bible tells us we should 'sing a new song to the Lord' because 'great is the Lord' who is 'worthy of our praise'.  Why are we told to do this?  Because celebrating is not limited to games, or parties; celebrating is for rejoicing in God's goodness, in His majesty.  Because celebrating is for all of us to do, for all God has done, for all of us.

If we cannot, or will not, celebrate the God who created everything there is (which includes each of us!), then why should we be celebrating anything?  Seriously, why?  But we do, don't we!  So ask yourself...
  • Is there something, or someone, I celebrate regularly?
  • Do I celebrate God? 
  • What might I do in order to better celebrate God?
It's so easy to be a fan and cheer on our team, but when it comes to church, or God, we tend to be less enthusiastic, and usually much less noisy!  But our 'team', with God as our 'leader', is one which deserves recognition, and praise, and celebration - and with noise!  After all, doesn't God deserve all our praise and all our recognition and all our celebration... and all our noise!

So, get noisy for God! 
Celebrate God! 

It's not just the things in this world - the events, the people, the parties - that deserve our celebration, it's our great, big, wonderful God who deserves it.  Cheer, whistle, clap, pound your feet, whatever - just as fireworks make a lot of noise and provide lots of light, let our celebration of God be a time of rejoicing, a time of noise, a time of cheering.  Because seriously, who deserves our celebration/praise more than God!

God, thank you for who you are.  That's worthy of celebration.  Help me not to forget you in the midst of all the things I celebrate in life.  God, you are worthy of my praise!

Have a Blessed Canada Day!

Celebrate Canada Day!

Worship God every day!
