Saturday, March 9, 2013

I am not my mistakes...

How many people here have ever made a mistake?  C'mon, put your hands up - you know you have...  We all have made mistakes, we all make mistakes, and we all will make mistakes - we are humans, and that's sort of how humans roll...  Don't get me wrong, it's not what we should be doing, but we do... When I think of this statement - "I am not my mistakes" - I think of a guy in the Bible, a king, who did bad but whom God considered good, even very good.  And who might that be?

Yup, you're right - King David.  Good ol' "I tend sheep but still become king" David.  But David, despite being king, had one flaw - he was human.  Flaw, you say?  Well, if we think of a flaw as being something that shouldn't be part of us because it will cause us to do wrong, then hey, being human might be considered to be a flaw!  That is, as opposed to being godly...  David was a human, and David did bad.  (pardon the grammar... actually, just ignore the grammar 'cause I'm making a point!)  David did bad - David watched a woman bathe, a woman who wasn't his wife.  David knew better, but David did bad anyway.  And he thought no one would find out, especially when he had the woman's husband killed in battle.  But... he kind of forgot about God.  God knows everything.  God knew David did bad.  The consequence of David's "bad" was horrific - his son died.  David realized how badly he had gone against God and that brings us to our Bible reading...

Psalm 51: 1-4, 10-11
Have mercy on me, O God, because of your unfailing love.  Because of your great compassion, blot out the stain of my sins.  Wash me from my guilt.  Purify me from my sin.  For I recognize my rebellion; it haunts me day and night.  Against you, and you alone, have I sinned; I have done what is evil in your sight.  You will be proved right in what you say, and your judgment against me is just.  Create in me a clean heart, O God.  Renew a loyal spirit within me.  Do not banish me from your presence, and don't take your Holy Spirit from me.

David did bad, but he also knew his God was a God who forgave.  So David prayed this prayer, this psalm, asking God to forgive him, to wash him clean, to give him a new heart, to not leave him.  And did God listen?  Well, King David became known as a "man after God's own heart", so yes, God listened!  David did bad, David made mistakes, but David wasn't his mistakes.

And neither are you... or I... or anyone, unless we want to be.  We can keep on doing 'bad', and then asking for forgiveness, and then doing 'bad', and... well, we can... but we shouldn't, because God knows our heart, and if we truly ask Him to forgive us, and we turn away from what we did or are doing and turn toward God to do what He wants us to do and to be what He wants us to be, we won't be our mistakes either.  I know this because the Bible tells me, but I also know this because I've "been there, done that" - too many times! - and I know our God is loving, and faithful, and forgiving.  Good thing...  so know...


Know it!  Live it!  Be what God wants you to be, do what God wants you to do, and live like God wants you to live.  If you do, it can't possibly be a mistake!

Let's pray...
God, I know I've made mistakes, and I'm sorry.  Please forgive me.  Help me to turn from doing bad, and live a life pleasing to you.  Thank you for loving me, and forgiving me.  I know I am not my mistakes, but that I am yours.

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