Monday, March 4, 2013


So says he (me!) who has been somewhat less than faithful...  Some time ago, I vowed (to myself, at least) that I would be faithful in writing this blog.  Daily, perhaps, but at least weekly.  One only needs to glance at the index page to see this hasn't been happening...  I might claim to have been busy (and have been), or ill (and have been), or any number of other things, but the bottom line is, I haven't been faithful.  To myself.  To any readers who might read this.  To my God.  I've prayed, I've counselled, I've studied, I've preached, I've sung... and a multitude of other things that are important &/or necessary.  But there has been this nagging in my soul, telling me to get back to this blog... and I have been unfaithful.  So I am back... asking for forgiveness for being unfaithful, and vowing to be faithful to my vow.

In the Bible, there is a wonderfully inspirational and challenging verse:

Psalm 119: 137-144
You are right and you do right, God; your decisions are right on target. You rightly instruct us in how to live ever faithful to you. My rivals nearly did me in, they persistently ignored your commandments. Your promise has been tested through and through, and I, your servant, love it dearly...  I don’t forget what you tell me...  Even though troubles came down on me hard, your commands always gave me delight. The way you tell me to live is always right; help me understand it so I can live to the fullest.

God is so faithful to us; even when we aren't always living as He wishes we might, He is faithful.  Imagine if we were always as faithful as He wishes we were!

If you are like me, as I described myself in the opening paragraph, then do you know why?  I mean, if you aren't doing something you should be doing, then why not?  And if you are doing something you shouldn't be doing, then why?  Good questions.... not so easy to answer, perhaps, but good questions nevertheless.  Ones we need to ponder... and do something about.  Yes, I might be super busy doing the stuff that needs to get done each week (and believe me, for a pastor, that might be a LOT!), but if I am not being faithful to my God, and to others, then... well, what's the point?  I can be successful in the standards of this world, yet be failing God - and this is not what I want to be or do.  How about you?

God doesn't call us to be a success in this world, because we don't even need to think about being faithful in order to achieve success.  God does call us to be faithful, because in doing so, we are living and acting and doing and being the people God wants us to be.  So next time you are tempted to keep on doing stuff that needs/has to be/should be/must be done, stop and think about whether this is truly what God is calling you to do.  I mean, would you rather be living in the will of God or be seen to be a 'success' in the eyes of people?  Seriously, no matter how nice it might be, or how important it might make us feel, to be a success, nothing compares to being faithful to the God who created everything!

Let's pray...

God, you are awesome.  Sometimes it's difficult to do what you want us to do, because it doesn't seem important to many, or make us important in others' eyes.  Help us to be faithful.  Help us to answer your call to faithfulness.

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