Thursday, March 6, 2014

Lent 2014 - "the prayer dare"

Please read what I have to say below in this post, but know that this series blog is now posted on a different site - 

For those of you who are coming on here for the first time, I just want to say - I am not usually as uninventive with titles as I am today.  However, I want to be descriptive, and so it works!

(Note: I am blogging on this site for now, but hope to use the church website blog page - I can't seem to get it up and running right now, and am waiting on the person who is the expert in this field to get back to me and bail me out!  Oh, and you may or may not be able to comment on this site, even though there is a "Comments" space available - in the past, it couldn't be done, but hopefully when - not if - this blog is being done on the church website, comments will be able to be made!)

During the season of Lent 2014, I have made a personal commitment to spend time with God every day, and to blog on this time.  This blog will come out of my devotional time spent in a book called "the prayer dare" (yes, all small letters!), and another book called the Bible!  For 40 days, I have challenged myself to get closer to God through prayer, and this book ("the prayer dare") devotes 40 days to helping me do that.  Don't expect profound, or even amazing, although that may just happen - my hope is that whoever reads this will journey with me, and that we will all find a closeness to God that we may not have been experiencing lately.

Today, I will be blogging for yesterday and today, and then daily thereafter.

So sit down, buckle up, and be still - God is waiting to hear from me, from you, from us.  Let's take this Lenten journey together, and see where it takes us...

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